Sponsor Parenting Education

May 2022
Dear friends,
My heart breaks for women who have tried and tried and tried to find solutions to an unexpected pregnancy alone without the support of their partners, families, friends or coworkers. They have been frustrated, lied to, misinformed, and left alone.
And I hear about them every single day.
It’s like hearing about people suffering from a disease that has a cure.
I want to scream, “You don’t have to be alone! There is a better way than abortion!”
But all the misinformation out there makes it hard for most everyday women to actually realize their potential and not only give birth, but become successful parents, confidently sharing their lives with the life of their child.
There is just so much NOISE. So much JUNK. So much mistrust.
So, the pregnant women are skeptical and frustrated. I get it.
And I want to make it as easy as possible for them to receive the tools and support they have been looking for…
That’s why we decided to make Confident and Fearless Parenting Classes, for these women in need, FREE.
Over the course of the classes, we deliver some of the strategies and parenting tools to calm the fears, provide confidence and support for the days that not everything goes as planned. With special guest speakers such as doctors, financial planners, nutritionists, coaches and mental health counselors we will provide the tools and guidance every pregnant woman wants to feel more confident in her future with a child. And we look forward to celebrating with each mother too! These are the same tools and strategies that our experts share with their clients and patients.
But for the scared pregnant woman who finds herself alone, without great examples of parenting in her life, I want them to receive these classes for free. We know that a woman with knowledge can say, "I know what to do and I can proudly do it." These women will not be easily swayed by the misinformation leading her to say, "I cannot do it." We never want a woman to choose abortion due to lack of support.
We have had requests from women who are not in danger of aborting their child, to join us as well as they feel the same fears and want to learn more, build their confidence in parenting and are willing to pay the tuition of $120 per person. This is excellent! And will offer sisterhood!
We need people to INVEST in our pregnant women in need by SPONSORING these classes, to make it happen for them. It will save lives and continue our commitment to be there and show we care.
There is no risk investing in these classes. But there is a huge risk if we do not.
I want to save 100 women from aborting 100 babies, starting June 1st, 2022.
All I ask is that you …
Consider how important saving a life from abortion is to you
click on the link on this page and sponsor a woman facing a crisis pregnancy to take our class at $120
No more women need to wonder if they made the right decision choosing life for their child. No second guessing because they will have the knowledge to make good decisions!
Help us bring 100 women from fear, frustration, tears, and disappointment…to the joys of giving birth and parenting with confidence.
This is the best way to help Aid to Women at this time.
I want this year to be the year you help us rise up and achieve all God has planned for each woman facing a crisis pregnancy.
Please contact me if you have any questions! I thank you in advance for your continued support and prayers for our work and the women and babies we serve!
Mary Helen
Mary Helen Moes
Executive Director
Aid to Women